For Enterprises

As companies replace electronics, the question often arises: what to do with the old? In the medical, legal, and banking fields, computers may house confidential data. For this reason, firms may hold on to old electronic equipment, either in closets or storage.

While this is a much better solution than recklessly disposing these items, there is a better solution! Windsor E Recycling can recycle electronics for your enterprise while protecting all confidential data.

We destroy hard drives and are 100% HIPAA compliant for our medical clients. We help you feel secure that your confidential data is completely destroyed and properly recycled.

Windsor E Recycling recycles all electronic waste with the environment in mind. We break down your old equipment so that it’s parts can be re-used by others, rather than put in a landfill. This is a labor intensive project, but is the only way to ensure environmental safety.

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